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The project aims at developing a multilingual guided reading program to improve reading fluency and reading motivation in all languages for pupils in grades 6, 7 and 8. The didactic-methodological design developed for this purpose addresses three key issues in methods for language teaching and foreign language acquisition.


Mobeybou is a research project that investigates the learning and socializing potential of digital manipulatives among young children. It aims at promoting the development of cognitive, social and language skills within a multicultural framework.



Based on the Design-Based Research (DBR) approach, the MeVoL project developed a teaching set that includes multilingual reading aloud by teachers combined with strategy training in school and foreign languages.



The eSIT4SIP Knowledge Base aims to support teachers in planning for the technical realisation of learning scenarios within their premises. To this end, knowledge pertaining to the feasibility of the scenarios is needed. It is based on the knowledge available in the ICT facilities of relevant schools; that is, the infrastructure required to achieve the functions described in each of the scenarios.


Ainda Estou a Aprender

AEA - Ainda estou a aprender "I'm still learning". This platform includes resources to support the development of phonological awareness, word reading fluency, text reading fluency, oral comprehension and reading comprehension.

ainda estou aprender


European citizens living in remote rural, or insular areas, are often excluded from mainstream educational activities easily accessible by people living in larger cities. As a result, fewer lifelong learning opportunities are available to both young pupils and adults. The key goal of this project is to show in actual practice and by a scalable example, that it is possible and economically feasible to substantially supplement the meager, and sometimes irrelevant, educational programs typical of remote and insular regions in the EU.



STREEN (Story Reading Environmental Enrichment) this project aims to design and evaluate an augmented reading system intended to support and complement Reader’s Theatre. STREEN provides engaging functionalities oriented to the promotion of vocabulary acquisition, reading motivation, fluency and comprehension for 3rd-grade students. A pivotal functionality of STREEN allows children to collaboratively create digital media effects that are triggered during the reading activity. STREEN consists of a mobile application (STREEN APP) that runs on the student’s tablet, computer and a multimedia infrastructure, e.g. projector, surround sound system and smart bulbs.